Terms & Conditions


1. Upon booking, 50% of the total amount must be paid in advance for the booking process as we practice a first come first serve basis. A booking confirmation will be sent to the guest via email or SMS.
Untuk tempahan, bayaran deposit 50% daripada jumlah perlu dibuat. Surat pengesahan tempahan akan dihantar kepada tetamu melalui emel atau SMS.
2. The balance of 50% of the total amount must be settled within 7 days before check-in date. We shall notify the guest about the payment through email or SMS and upon any failure to settle the remaining payment within this period, we reserve the right to treat the booking as cancelled and the 50% deposit monies paid shall be forfeited.
Baki bayaran sebanyak 50% perlu diselesaikan dalam tempoh 7 hari sebelum tarikh ‘check-in’. Pihak kami akan mengingatkan tetamu melalui emel atau SMS. Sekiranya baki bayaran tidak diselesaikan, maka tempahan akan terbatal dan bayaran deposit tidak akan dipulangkan.
3. Refundable deposit must be paid together with the payment of balance. Refund of the security deposit is subject to inspection of the rooms upon check-out and the return of all keys.
Bayaran deposit perlu dibayar bersama baki bayaran. Pemulangan deposit sekuriti adalah tertakluk kepada pemeriksaan bilik semasa ‘check-out’ dan pemulangan semula kunci.
4. Payment shall be made in Ringgit Malaysia. Payment can be made via bank transfer to Jelatok Retreat Farm under Maybank account 555087210249. Kindly send a copy of your bank slip to 017-2218451 or email to jrf.lenggeng@gmail.com.
Bayaran adalah dalam nilai Ringgit Malaysia. Bayaran boleh dibuat melalui pemindahan wang ke akaun Jelatok Retreat Farm di bawah akaun Maybank bernombor 555087210249. Sila hantar bukti pembayaran ke 017-2218451 atau emel ke jrf.lenggeng@gmail.com.
5. Jelatok Retreat Farm practices a no refund policy.
Jelatok Retreat Farm mengamalkan polisi tiada pembayaran balik.
After a booking in confirmed, any changes are subjected to the following terms:
Selepas tempahan dibuat, sebarang perubahan tertakluk kepada terma berikut:
1. No changes are allowed within 7 days prior to the check-in date.
Sebarang perubahan tidak dibenarkan dalam tempoh 7 hari sebelum tarikh ‘check-in’.
2. If there are any changes to the booking, the changes are not confirmed until a new booking confirmation is issued by Jelatok Retreat Farm.
Sekiranya terdapat sebarang perubahan, Jelatok Retreat Farm akan memberikan surat pengesahan tempahan yang baharu.
3. Re-scheduling of any booking date must be done 14 days prior to the check-in date.
Sebarang perubahan tarikh perlu dibuat dalam tempoh 14 hari sebelum tarikh ‘check-in’ asal.
1. Any cancellations made within 7 days before check-in date, 50% of the total amount will be charged as cancellation fees and no refund or compensation will be made in such circumstances.
Sekiranya pembatalan tempahan dibuat dalam tempoh 7 hari sebelum tarikh ‘check-in’, maka 50% daripada jumlah bayaran akan dikenakan sebagai bayaran pembatalan dan tiada sebarang pembayaran balik atau pampasan akan diberi.
2. If cancellation is made less than 7 days prior to check-in date, including no show, 100% cancellation fees will be charged.
Sekiranya pembatalan dibuat kurang daripada 7 hari dari tarikh ‘check-in’, termasuk ketidakhadiran, 100% bayaran pembatalan akan dikenakan.
We do respect all our guests and these rules & regulations are imposed in order to maintain our facilities and services at its best and to protect the natural environment.
Untuk keselesaan dan keselamatan para tetamu, syarat-syarat dan peraturan-peraturan berikut perlu dipatuhi
1. Please be advised that Jelatok Retreat Farm is a farm next to Lenggeng Forest Reserve. As part of nature, do expect insects, bugs, mosquitoes and others to be around. You are advised to bring your own insect repellents. We also have farm animals such as horses, chicken and dogs and other wildlife nearby.
Jelatok Retreat Farm merupakan sebuah kebun yang terletak bersebelahan dengan Hutan Simpanan Lenggeng. Terdapat serangga, nyamuk dan lain-lain di kawasan ini. Tetamu juga disyorkan untuk membawa ‘insect repellents’ sendiri. Kami mempunyai haiwan-haiwan seperti kuda, ayam, dan anjing. Terdapat juga haiwan liar dari hutan berdekatan.
2. As we have taken all necessary precautions to make sure our guests are safe, your stay at Jelatok Retreat Farm is at your own risk.
Pihak kami sudah mengambil tindakan untuk memastikan keselamatan para tetamu, namun, penginapan anda adalah atas risiko anda sendiri.
3. For safety reasons, do not roam around areas outside of our farm and you are advised to be in the farm before it gets dark as we are isolated.
Oleh kerana lokasi kami di kawasan pedalaman, untuk keselamatan, tetamu dinasihatkan untuk tidak merayau-rayau ke kawasan luar dari kawasan kebun kami dan perlu berada di kawasan kebun sebelum gelap untuk mengelakkan kesesatan.
4. The check-in time is at 3.00 pm. The check-out time is at 12.00 pm.
Waktu untuk ‘check-in’ adalah pada jam 3.00 pm. Waktu untuk ‘check-out’ adalah pada jam 12.00 pm.
5. Guests are not allowed to bring in extra mattress (toto, sleeping bags etc), as only registered paying guests are allowed to stay.
Tetamu tidak dibenarkan membawa tilam sendiri. Hanya tetamu berbayar yang dibenarkan menginap.
6. The facilities provided such as swimming pool, Sahara Loop, outdoor amphitheater are strictly for paying stay-in guests only. Outsiders are not allowed to use the facilities.
Fasiliti seperti kolam renang, Sahara Loop, ampiteater adalah untuk kegunaan tetamu berbayar sahaja. Orang luar dilarang menggunakan fasiliti kami.
7. For safety and comfort of all our guests, STRICTLY NO SMOKING in the room and no using of cooking equipment (rice pot, etc) and any hazardous or flammable items in the room.
Untuk keselesaan dan keselamatan semua tetamu, DILARANG MEROKOK di dalam bilik dan penggunaan alatan memasak (periuk nasi, dll) dan juga bahan berbahaya atau mudah terbakar tidak dibenarkan sama sekali.
8. Guests are requested to have snacks outside of the room (there’s a few good spots near the rooms) as we do not want any pests to ‘hang around’ in the room. Note that we are next to the forest reserve, therefore there are many unique creatures that may be attracted to your leftovers if kept in the room.
Tetamu diminta untuk makan snek di luar bilik (terdapat beberapa tempat ‘lepak’ berhampiran bilik penginapan) untuk mengelakkan serangga perosak bermaharajalela di dalam bilik. Oleh kerana kami bersebelahan dengan hutan simpanan, maka, terdapat pelbagai jenis serangga atau haiwan kecil yang mungkin akan masuk ke dalam bilik mencari makanan.
9. We hope that our guests respect the nature surrounding as we are located next to the jungle, therefore no loud noises allowed especially after 10.00 pm and WILD PARTY IS STRICTLY NOT ALLOWED.
Oleh kerana lokasi kami bersebelahan dengan hutan, tetamu diminta untuk tidak membuat bising selepas jam 10.00 malam dan sebarang PARTI LIAR TIDAK DIBENARKAN.
10. Any use of drugs, alcohol or related substances is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
Sebarang penggunaan dadah, alkohol (mabuk) atau yang berkaitan TIDAK DIBENARKAN SAMA SEKALI.
11. Charges maybe incurred for loss or damage of items related to our facilities.
Bayaran denda akan dikenakan sekiranya terdapat sebarang kehilangan atau kerosakan berkaitan dengan fasiliti kami.
12. We will not be liable to the guest for any loss, damage, costs, expenses, injuries or other claims for compensation arising from any incomplete, incorrect, or inaccurate information or instructions supplied by the guest.
Kami tidak bertanggungjawab ke atas sebarang kehilangan, kerosakan, kos, kecederaan atau apa-apa tuntutan oleh tetamu yang tidak tepat atau tidak lengkap.
13. Since we are off-grid, Wifi is not available at the moment. However, mobile services such as Celcom, Digi and Maxis are receivable.
Servis Wifi tidak disediakan buat masa ini. Namun, servis telekomunikasi telefon mudah-alih seperti Celcom, Digi dan Maxis boleh diterima.
14. Please keep a close eye on your children while you are here especially around the swimming pool area. There’s no life-guard on duty.
Sentiasa pantau anak-anak terutamanya di kawasan kolam renang. Kami tidak mempunyai anggota penyelamat yang bertugas.
15. No pets are allowed.
Haiwan peliharaan tidak dibenarkan.